ETRS Travel Bursaries
Young researchers are encouraged to be considered for an ETRS PhD or Post-Doc travel bursary.Bursaries will be available to:
• three PhD students (any year of study except the first)
• three Early Career Researchers (within 5 years of obtaining their PhDs)
The bursaries will cover a 3-day registration fee (early bird rate only) for the ETRS Annual Scientific Meeting 2022.
The deadline for applications for these bursaries is July 31, 2022.
The applicant is expected to:
• be an ETRS member to be considered for these bursaries
• submit an abstract and register for the meeting prior to the early bird deadline
• send an email including registration number, abstract number and date of registration to to apply for the bursary and indicate that they are either a PhD student (not in their first year of study) or an Early Career Researcher (within 5 years of obtaining their PhD).
A committee will decide to whom the bursaries will be awarded. Unsuccessful applicants will not be able to withdraw from the congress.
French Society for Matrix Biology (SFBMEc) travel grant

Details on the call for applications and dead-line will be provided soon.
Follow the updates on the SFBMEc website